Are you thinking of changing bank because you think you’re paying too much at the moment? Choosing an online bank can save you money, but how do you make the right choice? In this article, we’ll give you some tips to help you.
What fees can you save on with your online bank?
While it goes without saying that you should select an online bank offering all the services you need, you should also pay attention to the various fees. You don’t want to pay more than you have to. This is why you need to study a bank comparison to select the cheapest online bank for you.
To start with, you can look at account maintenance fees. Normally, one of the advantages of online banking is that you don’t have to pay any. This saving can amount to more than a hundred euros compared with some traditional banks with branches.
You can also take advantage of free bank card. But beware: most of the time, you have to meet certain criteria. These may include making one payment per month with your card, or selecting a specific type of bank card (basic or top-of-the-range, immediate or deferred debit, etc.).
Depending on the choice you make, you may also want to check whether the following services are offered free of charge:
- transfers and direct debits ;
- withdrawals;
- international payments.
Be careful with withdrawals, as some online banks only allow them in certain ATMs.
Finally, even if you don’t want to find yourself in such a situation, you might be interested in the fees charged for overdrafts. That’s right, overdraft may be authorizedas long as you comply with the agreed ceiling or percentage. Some online banks take this into account, as an unexpected payment can disrupt your finances from time to time. But be careful: you need to compare the percentage of interest, or agios, because in the event of an overdraft, it’s your bank that advances the money missing from your account.
What financial offers are available when opening an online bank account?
When you open a bank account with an online bank, it’s not uncommon to be able to take advantage of some very attractive offers. Typically, you’re entitled to welcome offerwhich consists of crediting a certain amount to your current account. You can also get this same type of offer on financial investmentssuch as savings books.
But you can also earn money in other ways. Some banks have set up partnerships with other companies. This allows you to benefit from discounts and cashbackon various products and services.
Some insuranceIn addition, you may be offered free or discounted insurance cover, particularly in conjunction with your bank card. These include travel assistance and repatriation, coverage in the event of lost luggage, and guarantees on purchases made with your payment card.