Maths challenge: Put your IQ to the test with this quick equation! Can you find the answer to the last equation in under 20 seconds?


In the fascinating universe of IQ tests and riddles, a seemingly simple question emerges as the puzzle of the day: solve the last equation 8+8.

At first glance, this challenge seems trivial, but the real challenge is to solve it in less than 20 seconds, testing the speed and efficiency of our thought processes.

Maths challenge: Put your IQ to the test with this quick equation! Can you find the answer to the last equation in under 20 seconds?
© FiveStarMagazine

These kinds of challengeschallenges, which stimulate mental agility, have become must-haves on social networks, captivating millions of users looking to test their wits and share their performances. So get ready, sharpen your mind, and let the race against time begin!

Our challenge of the day is a brainteaser that demands special attention and concentration at all times.

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To complete this challenge, it’s essential to observe every detail, to analyze it carefully, and not to be afraid of plunging into the heart of the enigma.

We’ll have to use our ingenuity and sometimes even think outside the box to find the solution. Every clue could be the key to success, so let’s not overlook any element and hone our critical thinking skills. Prepare to enter a world where only insight can triumph.

The riddle to decipher

Faced with a challenge that calls on our intelligence and ingenuity, it’s vital to mobilize our minds and spark our creativity. By stimulating our brains and exploring different solutions, we can overcome obstacles.

In order to triumph, it’s essential that we adopt a methodical approach, carefully observing every element that comes our way. Concentration is our most precious ally It enables us to stay focused and avoid distractions that could take us away from our goal. By combining patience and perseverance, we’ll eventually unravel the threads of this challenge and celebrate our success.

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We know that waiting can sometimes be synonymous with frustration, but it’s also a way of stimulating excitement and curiosity. That’s why we’ve chosen to keep the suspense going a little longer before revealing the solution.

This seemingly logic-defying challenge captivated thousands of Internet users on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, where the most agile minds competed in a fascinating intellectual joust. Indeed, we’ve embedded an image below to illustrate the solution many are still searching for.

The secret of the sum revealed

We’d like to offer our warmest congratulations to those who found the answer 8+8=14 in less than twenty seconds. If you’re one of them, we’d like to congratulate you on your quick thinking and deductive skills.


The answer was not obvious, and to have succeeded in this challenge is a testament to remarkable mental agility. Well done to all those who saw beyond appearances to decipher the riddle!

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For those who didn’t manage to find the solution, here’s the explanation:

5+5 = 10-2 =8

6+6 = 12-2 =10

7+7 = 14-2 =12

8+8 = 16-2 = 14

Feel free to share this visual riddle with your friends and family if you enjoyed it.

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  • Maths challenge: Put your IQ to the test with this quick equation! Can you find the answer to the last equation in under 20 seconds?